Ion ChamberΒΆ

This non-GUI application is synchrotron-beamline specific. It reads several settings for the photo-current of an ion chamber and calculates absorbed and transmitted flux in photons/sec, and writes these back to PVs (an associated .db file and medm .adl file are provided). The script runs in a loop, updating the flux values continuously. ==================================== Ion Chamber ====================================

This application, like the XRF Collector, provides a simple Epics interface control of a non-trivial device. Again, the main point of showing it here is as an example of using a python process to interact with a custom Epics database to provide a customized way to acquire data. While the standard Epics solution would be to write a state-notation-language program that runs in an IOC, the approach here minimizes Epics coding to writing a simple database, and putting all the logic and control into a python script that runs as a long-running process along-side an IOC process.