Area Detector Display

Epics Area Detector Display is a wxPython GUI application for viewing images from an Epics Area Detector. To run this application, simply run at the command line:

epicsapps adviewer

This will start with a file browser to search for an AreaDetector configuration file, which uses yaml syntax.

A few examples of configuration files are given at, with a sample lookng like this:

name: IDA Beam Viewer
prefix: '13IDAPG1:'
title: AD Display /  IDA Beam Viewer
camera_attributes: [Acquire, ArrayCounter, ArrayCounter_RBV, NumImages, NumImages_RBV,
  AcquireTime, AcquireTime_RBV, TriggerMode, TriggerMode_RBV]
colormaps: [gray, magma, inferno, plasma, viridis, coolwarm, hot, jet]
colormode: Mono
default_rotation: 0
enabled_plugins: [image1, Over1, Over2, Over3, Over4, ROI1, ROI2, JPEG1, TIFF1]
- [Trigger Mode, 'cam1:TriggerMode', true, pvenum, _RBV, 150, 10]
- [Image Mode, 'cam1:ImageMode', true, pvenum, _RBV, 150, 10]
- ['# Images', 'cam1:NumImages', true, pvfloat, _RBV, 100, 10]
- [Acquire Time, 'cam1:AcquireTime', true, pvfloat, _RBV, 100, 10]
- [Acquire Period, 'cam1:AcquirePeriod', true, pvfloat, _RBV, 100, 10]
- [TIFF File Path, 'TIFF1:FilePath', true, pvtctrl, false, 250, 10]
- [Acquire Status, 'cam1:Acquire', true, pvtext, false, 250, 10]
filesaver: 'TIFF1:'
free_run_time: 0.2
image_attributes: [ArrayData, UniqueId_RBV]
show_thumbnail: true
thumbnail_size: 100
use_filesaver: true
workdir: /home/user
scandb_instrument: Pinhole Tank BPM

This describes how the adviewer application will connect to the areaDetector, including which PVs to include for a very basic widget controls with a limited set of Process Variables described such as those for starting and stopping the acquisition. This configuration file will generate an interface like this:


Note that the epics_controls is a list of data for PVs to be displayed in the upper left portion of the window. From the configuration file above, note:

- [Trigger Mode, 'cam1:TriggerMode', true, pvenum, _RBV, 150, 10]
- [Image Mode, 'cam1:ImageMode', true, pvenum, _RBV, 150, 10]

Each item in the epics_controls list has values of

  • display name, here “Trigger Mode”

  • Epics PV to use, here “cam1:TriggerMode”

  • whether to prepend the AD PV Prefix, here “13IDAPG1:” to the PV name, here “true”.

  • what kind of PV it is – enum, float, text, which will determine what type of widget is use, heree “pvenum”.

  • what suffix (if any) to use for a “readback PV”, here “_RBV”, common for many AD PVs

  • the size of the widget in pixels, here 150

  • the font size for the widget, here 10.

The areaDetector display will allow changing color table lookup using a few supplied colortables (from matplotlib) - reversing that color table is allowded.

Contrast levels can be set using a percentage value to clip the intensity range. That is, a value of 1 will set the intensity range to be from the 1%% to 99%% intensity level of the entire image. This can be a very useful option for many areaDetectors either with bad pixels or high dynamic range, as the full scale image is often unusable.

In addition, the display shows a “thumbnail image” with an ajustable size. At startup, this is centered on the image, but clicking the mouse on the image will center that portion of the image in the Zoom box.

Finally, if an Epics ScanDB data is setup with Instruments and a postgresql database, saved positions from one or more instruments can be included in the display, for example to move a camera or shutter into saved positions.